I'm going to start with my pregnancy update, so you're not bored to death having to read everything that's been going on for the past few weeks. Here is a pic from about a week or so ago:
Due Date: October 4, 2011
Size of the baby: Baby Huntley is about 2 pounds and around 14 inches long. Ryan sent me a text today to let me know that the baby is about the size of an "English hothouse cucumber" according to his weekly update. Needless to say, we have no idea what kind of cucumber that is.
Weight gain/loss: I had a dr. appointment about a week and a half ago and I gained....EIGHT pounds. EIGHT pounds in five weeks. EIGHT pounds. yikes. So that makes 15 pounds total. The nurse laughed when I asked if she meant 8 pounds total or since that last appointment.
Maternity clothes: No change here...I wear a lot of dresses that aren't maternity and some of my tops and skirts aren't maternity (just a bigger size). All pants are maternity.
Gender: We won't know until the baby makes his or her grand appearance! Most people seem to think the baby will be a girl.
Movement: I'm still not feeling a lot of movement. I feel something maybe once a day (at the most). I talked to the doctor about it and she reassured me that it's ok. And I really believe that it is, I'm not even worried about it anymore. She said that if my placenta is in the front that I just won't be able to feel very much. This past Sunday at church, I did feel the baby moving a lot--for about 20 minutes. It was great. I can't wait for Ryan to be able to feel it!
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty good. Ryan and I slept on an air mattress last week while we were in Fernandina with my family (don't worry, everyone that had a bed did everything but force us to sleep in their bed)--best sleep I've had in months. I told Ryan that I may be blowing that thing up and putting it in the floor of our bedroom.
What I miss: Ahi tuna. Steak cooked medium.
Cravings: Still no "cravings." Everything that I'm eating I would have eaten before I was pregnant, I guess I'm just eating more of it.
Symptoms: HEART BURN. Weight gain, crazy dreams, itchy belly, etc. Ryan says I snore and Kinsley and Logan confirmed it.
Best moment of the week: Feeling the movement. Or at least thinking I'm feeling movement!
We have had a great few weeks. We celebrated our niece, Libby's, 2nd birthday. She is sooo much fun. She had a blast playing at the beach and got soooo excited about opening her gifts.
We got her this little Minnie Mouse outfit and a Minnie Mouse to match--
Here she is in her cute little flamingo dress--perfect for her 'mingo beach party (she had a flamingo swim suit for the beach part of the party)!
Ok and seriously, look at this. yummmmmmm. Libby knows how to feed her guests!!
We also went to Babies R Us to register. Nothing too exciting about it, but I wanted to mention it just so I could post this picture...he's such a good sport! Just like I mentioned about our Mothers after Mother's Day--we are also incredibly blessed in the Dad department. And I have no doubt Baby Huntley will say the same about Ryan one day. He is already and unbelievable Dad to this baby! (Even if his eyes are saying--This picture better not go on that blog!! ha!!)
Mama, Daddy, Kinsley, Nikki, Nathaniel, Jack, Beebs, Jerry, Lisa and Logan came down last week and we had a great time. I wish I had pictures to post from while they were here, but I guess I didn't take any with my phone. We went to Fernandina and stayed for the week. I think they love it there as much as I do! Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, Brad, Lindsey, Jason, Stephanie and Libby all came to meet us for dinner in Fernandina one night. Ryan and I are soooo lucky to have such wonderful families.
Ok, sorry, that was long. I'll try not to wait so long next time...but, hey, at least there were lots of pictures! Please continue to pray for us. We are getting soooo excited as the due date gets closer!!
Also--from my prayer request from my previous post. Sadly, my friend, Lindsay's dad--Mr. Boyett, passed away. I know their family appreciated all the prayers--and I know they would still appreciate them and need them. I can't even begin to imagine their pain. Just like they've said--they know he is in a much better place, but they are left devastated and heart broken.
Last, but not least. Logan is not 13. He's 14. SORRY!! And no one even corrected me until I called him a 13-year-old when he was in town last week.
Hope you all have a great week!!