Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hi Everyone!  Welcome to our blog! We are hoping this will be an easy way to keep everyone up to date on our growing family (and anything else we have going on).  Although I'm GREAT at reading blogs, I'm still trying to figure out how to actually do it myself.  I think if you click "follow" at the top of this page or add your email address to "follow by email", you will receive an email anytime either of us update it. 

As you probably already know, we are having a baby!  Here's where we are:

Due Date:  October 4, 2011, I am 13 weeks
Size of the baby: approximately 3 inches (about the size of a peach)
Weight gain/loss:  At my last appointment I lost 2 pounds
Maternity clothes: Not wearing any, yet.  I am wearing the heck out of my BeBands (belly bands?) and I got 2 huge bags of maternity clothes from my sister-in-law, Stephanie, last weekend.  So, I am ready!!
Gender:  We aren't going to find out, it will be a big surprise when the baby is born! 
Movement:  None yet
Sleep:  I SLEEP ALL THE TIME.  My bedtime has just moved up to 8:30.  For the past 6 weeks, I was asleep by 6:30 almost every night!  Except when my family was in town and they kept me up to midnight! :)
What I miss:  Sorry, Beebs, I miss martinis...blueberry (from Stonewood), espresso, dirty, grapefruit and basil...I could go on
Cravings:  Anything and everything that has no nutritional value. And fresh grapefruit juice that Ryan squeezes for me every morning. 
Symptoms:  Luckily, I haven't had any morning sickness or nausea.  My only symptoms so far have been being tired and hungry!
Best moment of the week:  Sharing the news with everyone!

Thanks for stopping by, please keep the 3 of us in your prayers!
And here is your first glimpse of Baby Huntley!

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