Thursday, April 28, 2011

Itching Belly = Stretch Marks?

If the answer to that question is yes, then please don't answer that question!

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and is recovered/recovering from the storms.  It really breaks my heart to see all the damage from the tornadoes.  It all makes me really nervous for hurricane season--the winter snows were really bad, tornadoes have been really bad, I'm REALLLLY hoping we catch a break during hurricane season. 

On a happier note, we had a great Easter!  Ryan and I went to church at Southside UMC--we have been trying out churches in our area since we moved to Jacksonville.  We have been on a mission to find "our" church and have pretty much decided that Southside is it.  We know we love the Sunday church services and we will start the New Member classes in the next couple of weeks to learn more about their ministries and programs.  It will give us a better idea whether or not it really is "our" church.  Sorry...back to Easter--after church went to Ryan's parents house.  The Huntleys had just gotten back on Saturday night from being in Italy and Spain for about 3 weeks and I'm sure they were beyond exhausted.  We had a great time on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, Brad, Lindsey, Lindsey's mom, Barbara, (she was in town from New Orleans), Jason, Stephanie and Libby.  I love when we all get together--we always laugh, wondering what we did before Libby!  She is definitely the center of all of our attention!  I missed everyone in Iuka!  I always miss everybody, but especially so during holidays.  From the looks of the pictures on facebook, it looked like they were have a great time, too. 

The pregnancy update: 

Due Date:  October 4, 2011, I am 17 weeks.
Size of the baby: approximately 5 inches and weighs about 5 ounces (I'm not sure what the fruit/veggie comparison is?)
Weight gain/loss:  At my last doctor appointment I had gained 5 pounds (so a total of 3).  I'm just going to leave it at that until I go back to the doctor because I FREAK every time I step on a scale.  I'm not exactly sure how much I weighed at my last appointment,  the nurse just told me I gained 5 pounds.  So, now when I step on the scale, the number is SHOCKING.    
Maternity clothes: Well, I did it.  I wore maternity pants to work one day this  I'm still pretty in between regular pants and maternity pants.  And by "in between" I actually mean there is NO CHANCE IN HECK I'm fitting into my regular pants, even with the belly band.  So I'm wearing lots of dresses, which is my favorite thing to wear during the summer anyway.
Gender:  We aren't finding out!  We are still VERY excited about our ultrasound on Monday!  Danielle, one of my co-workers, is Haitian and she did her "Haitian Gender Predictor" on me this week.  She said she has never been wrong (10/10) and once she is wrong for the 1st time, she'll never do it again.  Danielle wrapped a spoon and knife in separate dish towels and set them out on her desk.  I had to walk in and choose one, "without thinking."  I choose the dish towel with a spoon.  Spoon = girl.  She announced to our office that I am having a girl--I don't think I'm ready to paint to room pink, though! Ha!
Movement:  Still no movement.  I keep telling myself that if I really focus I will feel something.  Still nothing.
Sleep:  The crazy dreams have started.  I have about 3 dreams every night.  Thankfully, no nightmares.  I'm guessing I have about 3 every night because that's how many times I get up to go to the bathroom.  Last night I chased tornadoes.  One night last week I dreamed that I was refusing to wake to go to the bathroom, so I started sleeping in Depends.  I woke up terrified that I had actually peed in the bed! (I didn't!!) Ha!
What I miss:  Ahi Tuna. 
Cravings:  Still no "cravings."  Everything that I'm eating I would have eaten before I was pregnant.   
Symptoms:  Weight gain, crazy dreams, itchy belly, etc.
Best moment of the week:  Everyone at work telling me they see a little bit of a belly! (I think they actually mean, DANG! Where did that belly come from?!)

Geez, this is a long post.  But one last thing, we tested our windows and walls for lead based paint.  The window tests were positive.  Dang it.

Red or pink means there are traces of lead (not sure if you can tell, but 3 were red or pink):

Hope you all have a great week!  Please keep us in your prayers!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

16 Weeks

I missed week 15, because it was tax week.  I told my self that I couldn't get on the internet to do anything except taxes and I just kept putting off doing our taxes!

Due Date:  October 4, 2011, I am 16weeks
Size of the baby: approximately 4.5 inches and weighs almost 3 ounces (size of an avocado)
Weight gain/loss:  I had a doctor appointment last week and I had gained 5 pounds!  So far, I gained a total of 3 pounds.   
Maternity clothes: Still not wearing maternity clothes.  For about the past week, I've only worn dresses or pants/skirts with an elastic waist or drawstring.  Finding an Easter dress has been a challenge!
Gender:  We aren't finding out!  The "big" ultrasond appointment is May 2nd and we are thinking about going ahead and finding out...hahahaha just kidding, Lori Beth. 
Movement:  None yet.  Still DYING to feel some movement! 
Sleep:  I'm sleeping good, except getting up at least twice every night to go to the bathroom.  I'm not exhausted all the time anymore--I was actually able to watch the entire episode of Modern Family last night!
What I miss:  Clothes that fit--shopping is not very fun right now! 
Cravings:  Still no "cravings."  Everything that I'm eating I would have eaten before I was pregnant.   
Symptoms:  Gaining weight and I think my belly may be starting to look like a little bit of a "baby belly."
Best moment of the week:  Getting to hear the heart beat at my doctor appointment. It was really loud and strong compared to the last time.  

And I can't believe I am putting this up, but here is a picture.  This was actually taken on Saturday (4/16).  Sorry if it's blurry, Ryan took it with my iPhone.

Hope everyone is having a great week!  Please continue to pray for us!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello, 2nd Trimester!

2nd Trimester is supposed to be a Heavenly part of pregnancy.  So far, so good!  Ha--it's only been 2 days!  I was planning to post a picture this week, but I'm just not ready for my pregnancy photo debut.  Here are the highlights of the week:

Due Date:  October 4, 2011, I am 14 weeks
Size of the baby: approximately 3.5 to 4 inches and weighs about 1 ounce (one book says about the size of a fist, another says lemon)
Weight gain/loss:  At my last appointment I lost 2 pounds...I have definitely gained since then!  When I weigh myself at home it fluctuates quite a bit depending on how long it's been since the last time I ate.  Note to self, don't eat before the appointment. 
Maternity clothes: Still not wearing maternity clothes, yet.  When do women start wearing maternity clothes??  I'm wearing my belly band with all my pants (well, all that button and zip) and quite frankly I wonder why I haven't been wearing a belly band for years?! 
Gender:  We aren't finding out!  BUT, I did do a few gender prediction tests just for fun this week.  But, I'm keeping those results a secret, for now, too (not that I trust them at all!!). 
Movement:  None yet.  I am DYING to feel this baby move...but, I know it could be a while. 
Sleep:  I'm still sleeping great and on somewhat of a more normal sleep schedule. 
What I miss:  Clothes that fit. 
Cravings:  Nothing, really.  I don't know that I would consider it a "craving," but I have eaten a baked potato with broccoli and cheese almost every day for lunch.   
Symptoms:  Hmmmm...I guess just the gaining weight.  I still don't have a "baby belly," but I do have a belly!
Best moment of the week:  Looking at little Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas outfits and realizing that the baby will be here for the holidays!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!  Please continue to pray for us!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect?

It definitely can't hurt, right? Ryan and I LOVE "practicing," especially because it usually involves our niece, Libby!  We had a great time Saturday keeping Libby while Jason and Stephanie went out to celebrate Jason's birthday.  Libby is just so much fun and soooo entertaining.  And she has her "RyRy" wrapped around her finger.  Here they are watering our little garden:

I got Libby's birthday present on clearance at Target during after Christmas sales, her birthday is in June.  When I brought it home Ryan told me (only a million times), "ok, but she isn't getting this until her birthday."  Well surprising enough, RyRy had it out and all put together before it even got dark outside.  She loves it (wish I had a taken a picture)!  How could he resist?  Look how cute:
Even after running and playing at the park all afternoon?!  And if she loves on and cares for our baby as much as she does her dolls (this is "babygirl" in the picture), then she may start babysitting at age 3.  Kidding!  But seriously, Ryan and I get so excited thinking about Libby being the "big" cousin and our baby having someone he or she will always look up to.  We just can't wait to see everything they get into!

Non-pregnancy related update...Kinsley had her prom last night.  Here is a picture of Nikki helping her get ready:

She looked great!  Here is a picture of Kinsley with her friend, Kaitlin:

Gorgeous! Both of them!  Wish I had been there to see it! 

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and while you're at it please say a prayer for Ryan's Grandmother McCarthy, too.