Thursday, May 19, 2011

Halfway There!

Hi Everyone!  Hope you have had a great couple of weeks.  Sorry I didn't post anything from last week, but the website was down every time I tried.  Let's see...We had a great Mother's Day.  We spent the weekend in Fernandina Beach (think Amelia Island, if you've never heard of it).  It was a wonderful weekend, the only thing missing was my family!  But they will get to enjoy some time in Fernandina when they come for a visit in June.  I CANNOT wait for them to be here!  Here a is pic from the beach on Friday afternoon when we got to the beach house.

Can you see why it is our absolute favorite place to be? Not a soul around!  The weather was great on Saturday and for most of Mother's Day--there are fires in Georgia and the smoke rolled in on Sunday afternoon.  We still had a great day with Ryan's parents, Brad and Lindsey, and Jason, Stephanie and Libby!  I even woke up to a sweet little surprise from Baby Huntley.  He/She is already sooo thoughtful!!  Ryan and I are both beyond blessed with wonderful mothers!  I have BIG shoes to fill!!

Last weekend was The Players Championship weekend (a golf tournament, for all you non-golf people--like me).  Ryan and I usually go on the Saturday of the tournament, but decided not to this year (thank goodness, it POURED!).  But, we didn't miss Bryan and Amy's (Stephanie's brother and sister-in-law) big TPC party on Saturday morning that they have every year .  It is always sooooo much fun.  And I was only slightly tortured by the Margarita Man and Bloody Mary's! Ha!  

Ok Baby Huntley update (we have a better nickname for "Baby Huntley" but it reveals the names we have picked and we're just not ready to "officially" put the names out there yet! :)

We had a doctor appointment last week and everything was great, more details below.

20 Weeks: Halfway, REALLY?!
Due Date:  October 4, 2011
Size of the baby: Ok, up until this point the baby has been measured from head to "rump" because the legs are usually curled up against the body and hard to measure.  Now the measurement is from head to toe--the baby is approximately 6.5 inches and weighs about 10.5 ounces (the size of a banana). 
Weight gain/loss:  I had a doctor appointment last week and I had gained 4 pounds (so a total of 7).  BUT, this time I looked at the scale and either I weighed MORE than I thought I did when I got pregnant OR they aren't comparing my weight now to my very 1st doctor appointment.  Either way, 7 pounds sounds good, so 7 it is! HA!  And I have to tell you that I get realllly nervous about weighing at the appointments. I have no idea why.       
Maternity clothes: I have officially made the switch!  And it is WONDERFUL!  Soooo much more comfortable!  I'm still wearing a lot of non-maternity skirts and dresses and some tops.   
Gender:  We won't know until the baby makes his or her grand appearance!  BUT, I know soooo many people that are due close to the same time that I am and I am LOVING finding out what they are all having.  I am realllly excited because friends of ours here in Jacksonville, Adam and Madison, are having twins and due very close to the same time that I am.  They found out that they are have a boy AND girl!  It's perfect...when I see and outfit that I think my baby MUST have I can go ahead and get it...then, if our baby is the opposite gender I definitely have someone to give it to!!!
Movement:  I have been very anxious over not feeling the baby move.  Very.  I talked to the doctor and he reassured me that it is totally ok and to give it a few more weeks. He said that my blood work was good, ultrasounds are good, the baby has a great heart beat and I'm getting bigger.  So, there you have it.  I'm not worrying anymore.    
Sleep:  I'm feeling a little discomfort when I sleep and having a hard time finding an comfortable position that doesn't make my back hurt the next morning.  I also talked to the doctor about sleeping on my back.  He told me not to worry about it--As I get bigger sleeping on my back can cause by blood pressure to drop, but my body will naturally respond and I'll either roll over or wake up.  He said that eventually it will just be to uncomfortable to lay on my back.  Thank the Lord!  I have been sleeping much better since then. 
What I miss:  I really don't think I'm "missing" anything right now that I can't have/do since I'm pregnant! 
Cravings:  Still no "cravings."  Everything that I'm eating I would have eaten before I was pregnant.   
Symptoms:  Weight gain, crazy dreams, itchy belly, etc.  Ryan says I snore.  He gets updates from every week and loves to tell me about how I'm right on target.  This week he was going over everything with me and broke the news to me that I have started snoring. HA! 
Best moment of the week:  Hearing the heart beat!  LOVE that sound!  I am so thankful that everything is going well!  I cannot even begin to believe that we are halfway there!

Here I am at 19 weeks:

Hope everyone has a great week!  Please keep us in your prayers...and you can say at little prayer that this baby will give me a little kick to tell me that he or she is in there and can't wait to meet us!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

18 weeks and an Ultrasound to Boot!

Hello, Little Cutie!

18 Weeks!!
Due Date:  October 4, 2011
Size of the baby: approximately 5.5 inches and weighs about 5.25 ounces (the size of a bell pepper)
Weight gain/loss:  At my last doctor appointment I had gained 5 pounds (so a total of 3).      
Maternity clothes: Still wearing lots of elastic and drawstring pants or skirts. I don't think I've worn any maternity tops yet--but, I have worn plenty of regular tops that look like they could be maternity. 
Gender:  We had our ultrasound yesterday--and it was VERY tempting, but we didn't find out.  At one point, I even tried to talk Ryan into "us" just knowing and not telling anyone.  He talked me out of it and I'm glad he did!  The lady that did the ultrasound (ultrasound tech?) was very supportive of us not knowing.  She went on and on about how happy we will be that we waited.  I asked her if she could tell if "it" will be a boy or girl and she said--YES!!! 
Movement:  I stilllllll haven't felt anything!  I'm thinking that my "beer gut" (JUST KIDDING!) just has too much padding for me to feel anything. 
Sleep:  I'm sleeping pretty good.  My newest challenge is that I read in a book last week that I shouldn't sleep on my back anymore.  I sleep on my back a lot and it's still very comfortable.  I wake up a ga-zillion times a night, startled, in a panic, wondering how long I have been on my back.  I can't wait for my next appointment to ask my doctor.  She is very easygoing, so I'm convinced she will tell  me it's ok as long as I don't feel uncomfortable--maybe that is just wishful thinking. 
What I miss:  I really don't think I'm "missing" anything right now that I can't have/do since I'm pregnant! 
Cravings:  Still no "cravings."  Everything that I'm eating I would have eaten before I was pregnant.   
Symptoms:  Weight gain, crazy dreams, itchy belly, etc.
Best moment of the week:  Seeing the baby again!  Soooo amazing to be able to hear AND see the heart beating.  And as crazy as this may sound, I love knowing that someone knows if our baby is a boy or girl (not that she remembered 5 seconds after she left the room)!  But, for a few minutes Ryan and I were sitting in that room with her and she knew if we will be having a little boy or little girl in 22 short weeks!!!

Hope yall are having a great week!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers!!